OBJECTIVE OF JAIPUR: Be the first player to win two Seals of Excellence


CONTENTS: 55 cards, 60 tokens

TYPE OF GAME: Set Collection



Jaipur is a two player set collection game in which players are competing to become the greatest trader in the land.  Each turn, players will either collect or sell goods, and they will work towards gathering the greatest number of rupees.  Whoever collects the most rupees earns a Seal of Excellence, and the first player to earn two Seals wins the game!


 The deck consists of 55 goods cards composed of: 6 diamonds, 6 gold, 6 silver, 8 cloth, 8 spice, 10 leather, and 11 camels.

There are 60 tokens including: 38 goods tokens, 18 bonus tokens, 1 camel token, and 3 Seals of Excellence


Begin setup by placing three camel cards face up in the middle of the playing space.  This begins the marketplace.  Shuffle the remaining cards and dole out five cards to each player.  The rest of the deck is placed face down on either end of the marketplace row as the draw pile.  Leave room near the draw pile for a discard pile.  From the top of the draw pile, complete the marketplace row by drawing two more cards and placing them face up along with the camels.  It is okay if one or both of the cards are camels. 

Players remove any camels from their hand and place them face up on the table in front of them.  This pile of camels is called the herd.  A player might not start the game with a herd. 

Sort and organize the tokens by type and value.  Spread the tokens in such a way that the values can be seen by both players.  Make sure the tokens range from least valuable to most.

Separately, sort the bonus tokens by type.  There are three different types.  Shuffle each type  and form three piles.  These piles will not be spread out.

Place the three Seals of Excellence tokens somewhere on the table that is accessible by both players.


On a player’s turn, they may either take cards or sell cards.  A player can only do one of these particular actions on their turn.  After choosing which action type they wish to complete, the player will have a few options to pick from.


If a player chooses to take cards, they can:

Take a Single Good

A player may draw one card from the marketplace and replace it with the top card from the draw pile.

Take Several Goods

If a player chooses to take several goods from the marketplace, they can take as many as they like, but they must replace them with the same number of cards from their possession.  This can be done with goods from their hand, camels from the herd, or both.

Take the Camels

Finally, a player may choose to take all of the camels from the mark and add them to their herd.  If they do this, the cards taken from the marketplace are replaced with cards from the draw pile.

Once a player has taken the cards they want and replaced them, their turn is over.  Keep in mind that a player can never have more than 7 cards in their hand at the end of their turn.


To sell cards, a player chooses one type of good and discards as many of that type as they want to the discard pile.  Depending on the sale, the player will earn a specific number of tokens.

Sell Goods

After the type of good the player wants to sell, they also choose as many cards of that type and play them face up on the discard pile.

Get Paid

From that good types token pile, take one token for every card sold.  Begin with the top token and work towards the bottom.  Earned tokens are kept in a stack in front of the player who collected them.

Earn a Bonus

Selling three or more of the same card type earns a bonus.  The player should collect the bonus token that matches the number of cards sold.  The value of the bonus token will not be known until it is drawn.

A player may only sell one type of good per round.  When selling silver, diamonds, or gold, the sale is required to have at least 2 cards even if only one token for that type remains.


The round ends the moment three goods token 스포츠토토 are gone or the marketplace can be filled with cards from the draw pile.


The player with the most camel cards in their herd pile earns the camel token (5 rupees).

Each player turns over their collected tokens to add up how many rupees they earned.  The player with the most rupees earns a Seal of Excellence.  If players are tied, whoever has the most bonus tiles wins the round.  If there is still a tie, the player with the most goods tokens wins the round and earns the Seal.

The player who loses the round gets to go first on the next one.  Continue play until one player has won two Seals of Excellence.


The first player to earn two Seals of Excellence wins the game.

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